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Selected Project 1: Dynamic Monte Carlo Part 1

Abstract: The present work introduces an open-source graphical user interface (GUI) computer program called DynamicMC. The present program has the ability to generate ORNL phantom input script for the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) package. The relative dynamic movement of the radiation source with respect to the ORNL phantom can be modeled, which essentially resembles the dynamic movement of source-to-target (i.e., human phantom) distance in a 3-dimensional radiation field. The present program makes the organ-based dosimetry of the human body much easier, as users are not required to write lengthy scripts or deal with any programming that many may find tedious, time consuming, and error prone. In this paper, we have demonstrated that the present program can successfully model simple and complex relative dynamic movements (i.e., those involving rotation of source and human phantom in a 3-dimensional field). The present program would be useful for organ-based dosimetry and could also be used as a tool for teaching nuclear radiation physics and its interaction with the human body. Link to: DynamicMC: an open-source GUI program coupled with MCNP for modeling relative dynamic movement of radioactive source and ORNL phantom in a 3-dimensional radiation field

Selected Project 2: Dynamic Monte Carlo Part 2

Abstract: Previously, we have developed DynamicMC for modeling relative movement of Oak Ridge National Laboratory phantom in a radiation field for the Monte Carlo N-Particle package (Health Physics. 2023,124(4):301–309). Using this software, three-dimensional dose distributions in a phantom irradiated by a certain mono-energetic (Mono E) source can be deduced through its graphical user interface. In this study, we extended DynamicMC to be used in combination with the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) by providing it with a higher flexibility for dynamic movement for an anthropomorphic phantom. For this purpose, we implemented four new functions into the software, which are (1) to generate not only Mono E sources but also those having an energy spectrum of an arbitrary radioisotope (2) to calculate the absorbed doses for several radiologically important organs (3) to automatically average the calculated absorbed doses along the path of the phantom and (4) to generate user-defined slab shielding materials. The first and third items utilize the PHITS-specific modalities named radioisotope-source and sumtally functions, respectively. The computational cost and complexity can be dramatically reduced with these features. We anticipate that the present work and the developed open-source tools will be in the interest of nuclear radiation physics community for research and teaching purposes. Link to: Development of DynamicMC for PHITS Monte Carlo package

Selected Project 3: Inhomogeneous Phantom Maker

Abstract: The Monte Carlo (MC) method has become an indispensable part of the nuclear radiation research field. Several widely used and well-known MC packages were developed for simulation of radiation transport and interaction with matter. All these MC packages require users to prepare an input script. The input script can become lengthy for complex models. The process of preparing these input scripts is time-consuming and error-prone. In the present work, we have developed an open-source GUI computer program for modelling radiation transport and interaction in multi-segmented slab phantoms using grid-based system for the widely used PHITS MC package. The developed tools would be useful for future users of PHITS MC package and particularly inexperienced users. The present program is distributed under GPL license and all users can freely download, modify and redistribute the program without any restrictions. Link to: Development of an open-source GUI computer program for modelling irradiation of multi-segmented phantoms using grid-based system for PHITS

Selected Project 4: RadStat

Abstract: The interaction of ionizing radiation with matter is a stochastic process and statistical analysis of such a process would be a crucial step in understanding radioactivity. Geiger–Müller (GM) counter is a widely used radiation detector used in nuclear radiation surveying, which produces counts upon exposure to a radioactive source. There are a variety of multi-purpose software that can be used to perform statistical analysis of measured counts from a GM counter. However, statistical analysis is a lengthy, error prone and time-consuming process, which gets more tedious when the number of measurements increases. In the present work, we have developed an open-source and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) computer program named RadStat for statistical analysis of counts measured by a GM counter. RadStat has its own scripting syntaxes and bundled with gnuplot for quick visualization of output results. We believe the present open-source GUI program would be a useful tool for research and teaching of nuclear radiation physics. Link to: RadStat: An open-source statistical analysis tool for counts obtained by a GM counter

Selected Project 5: CompVision

Abstract: Simulations and numerical analysis of physical problems are important steps toward understanding underlying mechanisms of the processes. Important examples would be medical physics and medical imaging. Compartmental modeling has been found useful for estimating the transport and temporal variations of drugs/contaminants (commonly used in medical physics and medical imaging) in different organs, given that different organs would be modeled as compartments. Recycling among these modeled compartments (i.e., organs) was allowed through defining sets of constant transfer rates. In order to mathematically define these systems, one needs to use sets of differential equations (depending on the number of compartments) which would in fact be time-consuming and prone to mathematical error. Considering these issues, there is a need for a versatile computer program that is accurate, robust, and user-friendly to perform the required computations automatically. In the present work, we developed and benchmarked an open-source computer program entitled CompVision that was able to simulate five-compartmental systems. The present software had an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) for the users. The executable program and the source codes were made available publicly under GPLv3 license, which would allow everyone to use, modify, and distribute without any restriction. The present program would be useful in a variety of research fields and applications. Link to: CompVision: An open-source five-compartmental software for biokinetic simulations

Selected Project 6: Cardiodify

Abstract: Visualisation and analysis of electrocardiographic (ECG) signals using mobile devices plays a crucial role in digital health. It allows patients to easily monitor their heart health at desired location and time of their choosing. Regular monitoring can help early detection of potential heart problems. The objective is to develop a mobile solution for visualizing and analysis of ECG signals, with additional features to produce derived vectorcardiograms (VCGs) for further evaluation. Link to: Cardiodify: A portable ECG viewer and analyzer for Android devices

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